zzz No link Morbid Reality

Their just up there, frozen where they have their last breath...

Father shoots dead his seven-day-old baby girl because he wanted his first-born to be a boy (Photos)

Battlefield panorama somewhere in Chechnya, 1990s

Sixteen people, including 12 physicians, have been sentenced to prison for exploiting countless drug addicted patients over 11 years with $250 million in false billing and 6.6 million opioid doses. One pain clinic CEO used the money for private jets, luxury cars, and tickets to the NBA finals.

11 Brutal Torture Devices From History

Defusing Unexploded 500KG Russian Warhead
In 1994, 11-year-old Robert Sandifer became a symbol of inner city violence. Born in an extremely dysfunctional home, he amassed over 20 felonies in his life. Robert joined a gang, but killed an innocent girl in a botched hit. Fearing he would talk, the gang had him executed by two teenage brothers.

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